New Student Orientation



Welcome to the Gator Family!


Our Student Handbook covers our policies. You can read it at this link.


Below you will find several topics to get started.


Before Training Checklist:


Do I have a water bottle?

Is my uniform clean?

Do I have my belt?

Are my finger and toenails trimmed?

Are my feet clean?

Is my hair tied up?

Do I have jewelry on?

Have you noticed in martial arts everyone bows?


When you started training Jiu-Jitsu, has anyone taken the time to explain to you why we bow?


Bowing in the martial arts is a very simple act but one that is extremely important. It’s about paying respect. For example, bowing between Instructors and students shows the respect felt among themselves and towards each other.


When you bow, you’re not bowing to that person, but respecting the knowledge and skill that person has acquired, and to the rank that they have attained.


Bowing also symbolizes humility. When you bow to a higher rank you are acknowledging they know more about martial arts than you. Being humble is a very important trait to have in every aspect of your life and every time you bow you should remind yourself to be modest and always think of others.


As a new student you may be asking yourself, “When am I supposed to bow?”


Here are examples of when you would bow and why:


To your Instructor – The most important person to bow to is your Instructor, for they are the one that will teach you everything you will ever learn about the martial arts. The bond between a student and their Instructor is one that will last a lifetime and is based on respect, trust and loyalty. This is rare and should be cherished.


At the Beginning/End of Each Class – Normally where students line up together in descending rank order and bow to their Instructor.


When Stepping On/Leaving the Mats – When stepping on the mats to begin your training, bowing symbolizes you clearing your mind and leaving your problems behind to fully immerse yourself in the positive learning environment. When you are done training for the day, you bow off the mats which symbolizes your gratitude for the knowledge received that lesson from your Instructor and opportunity to train with your teammates.